Are You A Weary Traveller?

As you sit reading this message, how are you feeling? Are you excited, joyous and energised, or tired, worn-out and fed up? Many people on Earth are feeling the latter at the moment, because nothing in the world seems to be changing; actually, they seem to be only worsening/ As people struggle to put food on the table and remain civil to each other, the rich get only richer and, in some cases, more corrupt.

The opposite side of this story is that, for some people, the worries of the world seem not to concern them as they manage to live happy lives without fear or loss of any major kind. While they are not particularly wealthy, these people enjoy abundance of love, friendship and good fortune, despite the goings on in the world that are creating sickness, death and violence. How do they do it?

Life is a journey, and the roads that you travel will very much depend on how you view your place in the world and whether you are able to see the bigger picture or not. In other words, your level of consiousness determines whether you live life in drama or in perspective, with both choices then having major influences on your life experience. Once in drama, it is very difficult to extract oneself from the myriad of low-level stories that create multiple layers of illusion and mistruths that enmesh the person in trivialities that become mountains to overcome. Drama is created by the ego which wants to be heard, to be important and better than others, to gossip, to belittle and to fantasise. Drama perpetuates itself until the lines of reality become blurred, resulting in friendships becoming toxic and families falling out, businesses being lost and the lives of innocent people being ruined. We are talking about third dimensional energy here that has a vibration akin to treacle and can be a trap one may never get out of.

The only way to avoid being enmeshed in Third Dimensional realities (which is mostly illusion) is to be aware, but not invested, in the propaganda of the media and the problems of other people which are not your responsibility. One can be compassionate and empathetic while allowing others, including close family, to learn their lessons and to find their own way. It is not your job to rescue or save people who may have very hard lessons to learn, as difficult as it is to stand by and watch. In terms of global problems, such as wars being waged on the innocent and harm being deliberately inflicted for personal or corporate gain, we can only advise that spiritual law is always in play and the wheel turns for all souls, not just a select few. It is far better to keep your consciousness above the drama while concentrating on your own behaviour and integrity. As small an action as it may seem, consider the result if every soul on Earth did that one thing – loved, accepted and worked on themselves being the very best they could be. That is what ‘shining your light’ means, and the world needs every single soul on Earth to begin to see that they can make a difference, if they only believe it.

So, the road you are travelling in life very much depends on the vibration you are in. As like attracts like, it is logical to assume that what you are attracting exactly matches the vibration of your beliefs, thoughts and actions. If you are a weary traveller, change will only come when you change your perspective and start a new story. No matter what is happening around you that is disempowering and defeating, you can take charge of your circumstances and begin to make positive changes just by changing your perspective through your thoughts. When you believe, you will begin to create based on the vibration of your thoughts.

We must add here that your path could also well be set within your soul family as you traverse the decisions made to enable you to reach mastery through the myriad of lifetimes already lived. If you are repaying karma or completing lessons abandoned in previous lifetimes, your life may seem harsh and unfair. We urge you to seek spiritual counsel, in whatever form resonates with you, and to turn your attention to service. Finding joy in helping others will expedite your learning and help your soul to reconcile its past misdeeds. It is not God whom you need to appease, but rather your soul as it navigates its way back from fragmentation to self mastery once again.

So, if you are a weary traveller, not a happy camper, please do some self-reflection, but also connect to the Source of Creation and reach out to us, the Masters of Light for assistance and guidance to help you to find your highest path. All you need to do is ask. If you feel your answers are not being heard, your belief systems may need examining. Do you believe in a higher source, whether it be religiously or not? Do you believe you are deserving? Do you believe that things can change for the better? Believe it and create it, it is that simple.

WE are ever with you.

The Masters of the Cosmic Council

Returning to Lemuria

The lost land of Lemuria was like Heaven on Earth. Everything that grew there was created with love and nurtured with the Golden Ray of Hope. There was endless peace in the gardens of Lemuria, with no being ever doubting their existence or straying from their path. Their lives were idyllic, if not a little remote and devoid of excitement.

The 12th ray of the essence of Creation is that of Ascension, connecting all other rays to become one column of light all the way from the Creator of All That Is down to Mother Earth. The 12th ray is that of Hope because it gives those attuned to it a sense that there is hope beyond the chaos and drama of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions on Earth. When one is operating with all 12 chakras activated and attuned to the 5th Dimension, one has access to the energies of Lemuria and has the opportunity to create an existence on Earth parallel to, rather than enmeshed in or above, the dense realities of the lower realms of consciousness.

The golden light of the 12th ray of attribute now shines down to Earth as a rightof passage. Each individual aligning to this ray will find they have a new sense of peace and inner joy. While those living outside of this ray continue to experience chaos, disconnection, disunity and disharmony, those who have aligned to it could be forgiven for thinking they are in an entirely different world altogether.

Once  you have raised your vibrations to the fifth dimensionm you will trust that you are where you are meant to be. You will take the chances you need to take, for working outside of your comfort zone will allow you to stretch your wings and to achieve more than you ever thought possible.

While those who lived in the lands of Lemuria were never really challenged emotionally, mentally or spiritually as humans are on Earth today, they did need to maintain their high states of consciousness through daily meditation, giving service to others and their land and the expressing gratitude in order to maintain their connection to Source and to each other. Therefore, reaching the state of Ascension and alignment to the Golden Ray, which, in essence, is aligning to your divine blueprint to living your best spiritual life, will not happen without intention, purpose and diligence.

Maintaining a strong spiritual practice is essential for those who are raising their vibrations and those who have achieved a degree of mastery. It is not enough, however. Living in the energies of Lemuria is not just about one’s own spirituality, but about creating a sense of peace and oneness beyond self. That is, when one is connected to their highest, divine spiritual being, that connection has an ethereal quality that provides sustenance for the Earth itself, the elements of nature and for the entire planet. Because there is no separation between man and man, man and nature and man and Creation itself, no thought or action is without impact or consequence, and not just for the person who created it. Consciousness is like a myriad of threads and tendrils, travelling at the speed of light and reaching further than one could ever imagine.

Where do I start? You may well ask! Start no further than with yourself. One cannot create a peaceful existence if one is forever in turmoil within. Whatever critiscism you have of yourself, finding a way to accept your imperfections and your journeys of the past is the first step in achieving a state of being that aligns to the truth of who-you-are with no reasons to apologise for it. Be yourself, love yourself and accept your journey, but most importantly, allow others to do the same. All you can do is to work on yourself. As individuals create their own Heaven on Earth, one by one, then the changes upon the Earth will be monumentous. It’s not so far away. All you need to do is to believe.

So, meditate, pray, let go of the past and learn to love yourself again. Reach not for the stars, but the Golden Ray of Hope that will bring you back to who-you-truly-are and to a reality that you thought could never be – that of peace within and harmony without.

WE ARE the masters of the Cosmic Council.

God, Humankind and Creation: A Powerful Combination

Beauty is all around you on Earth, yet many cannot see it. The ugly side of humanity can blind people to the simple beauty of nature, even when it is right in front of them. When one’s heart is heavy, colours may turn to grey, hope turns to despair and the world may seem to be against you. Many rail against God and blame him for abandoning them. Perpertrators attribute their crimes to upholding God, or Allah’s law. Religious leaders teach that the the truth or word of God can only be found in the Bible, yet so many religious leaders from the past into the present have betrayed their own teachings to sate their desires or to fill their own coffers.

They cannot be trusted, but neither, you may argue, can God! How can a loving God allow such atrocities as war crimes against innocent people? How can a loving God allow poverty, famine, homelessness and domestic violence? There must be no God, or he must be a vengeful one, right?

Who and what is God? Is there such an entity? How can one believe in something that cannot be seen or heard? Why can some speak to and hear him and others not?

What if we were to tell you that God is Creation itself? With the essence of light and energy, God is a consciousness within the human psyche. With a thought, an idea or a notion, people create their own reality into being based on belief systems that have been embedded by their upbringing, their ancestors and by society.

Belief is not necessarily truth, but it brings into being a person’s truth that resonates with what they have been led to believe to be true. There are many mistruths that have become gospel simply because they were plausible according to the basic belief systems of groups of people. There have also been many mistruths spread by those not in integrity to bring certain demographic groups under control or in alignment to further their own interests. Truth is easily undermined by those who wish to hide their crimes from the world, and the saddest truth is that many are caught in their deceitful webs.

If God, the Source of Creation, is a consciousness, then it stands to reason that ‘bad’ things happen because of thoughts and decisions that people choose to make and then act upon. In the same way, wonderful things are created by thoughts and decisions that are acted upon. With the Laws of the Universe stating that no-one’s free will can be intervened upon without their permission, the world is consequently a product of the multiple dimensions of consciousness of humanity. The highest consciousness can ‘will’ goodness in people, but if that is not their path or their wish, there is no intervention that can stop them.

God does not ‘allow’ anything. Humankind creates everything within their own worlds based on belief systems, thoughts, decisions and the opinions of others. Man is a powerful co-creator that uses his free will either to benefit or to harm the Earth and his fellow man. Man is consciousness and consciousness creates.  To believe that humankind is at the mercy of a higher power separate from him/herself is a dangerous fallacy, because separation is a myth that causes much of the chaos on Earth. If the truth of Oneness was accepted by the majority of the masses, life on Earth would be much more harmonious.

In the energy of the God, Creator of All That Is, everything and everyone in the universe is One. There is no separation from the Source of Creation, even though many people on the Earth believe or feel it to be so. The connection between humans is therefore intrinsic and infinite, with every thought, word, feeling and intention emitted by every human alive on the planet collecting around the globe as a mass of fluctuation and ever-changing energy. It is called the Human Collective Consciousness and it affects everyone in different and varying ways.

People can be affected by the Human Collective Consciousness without being aware of it and this is where the danger lies. Waves of love and positivity will not do any harm if they come over a person unexpectedly but, when hit by a sudden wave of inexplicable anger and unexplained hatred that originally emanated from a person with extremist views, unwitting and innocent people can suddenly become violent without explanation. Those whose vibrations are already low due to substance abuse, poverty, extreme hunger and hardship are particularly vulnerable because low vibrations will attract more of the same. Empathic people, or those who are sensitive to the energy around them, are also at risk. As the plight of humanity deepens and the grips of corruption and manipulation tighten, this is a timely reminder to all to protect your energy and remain vigilant.

Beliefs and thoughts are a constant flow of energy, an endless sphere of creation, that ebb and flow, growing dark and light, or darker and darker, lighter or lighter, depending on the consciousness on which they are based. As we Masters and Archangels say, thought creates form. What you believe and focus on, you create. When you change your focus, the creation will expand or contract, depending on the vibration of your consciousness at the start of the creation. It is that simple.

So, what are you creating in your world? What are you allowing that is not for your highest and best, and what can you take charge of that you previously felt disempowered to do? You are the most powerful Creator in your world, even if you do not believe it to be so.

WE ARE ever with you.

Archangel Michael and Lord Melchizedek.

The Instability of Change

There are two phases within the energies of Ascension: the Moon Phase and the Sun Phase. They do repeat themselves in cycles, and currently the Earth is in a Moon Phase where everything is hidden and in shadow. However, you will soon find yourselves back in the Sun Phase, where all will become bright and clear.

Prepare, Dear Hearts, because many more lies, untruths and mistruths will be revealed as never before. It is bound to be a bumpy ride for everyone. Stand firm, however, because all those in integrity will shine through and assist those around them to raise their vibrations and to see the truth. Do not let anything shake your resolve or purpose, or allow it to wither in the face of opposition from others. It is time for oppressors to be cut open and exposed for who they are, and the pushback they give to protect themselves will be designed to confuse and muddy the waters.

The energies of the human world are ever in flux between the dark and the light. It does not help that constant interference from the dark forces, as well as the magnetic pull of the density of duality keeps people in fear and disconnected from their psychic knowing and spiritual purpose. Has the veil of illusion really lifted, as was the promise of Ascension? For many, not at all. For others, it is thinning, but their own truth often remains cloudy, due to other people’s judgements or them. their own self-doubt and shadows of the past that have left unresolved trauma.

There is no denying that living on Earth has become expensive, unpredictable, burdensome and dangerous. As the souls within each person decides whether to live out their soul contract or not, the web of deceit that is the Black Matrix is becoming unstable itself. It is only a matter of time before it unravels and becomes its own worst enemy.

The weather is another force that is becoming less predictable around the world. Unseasonable rain and floods, storms, fire and drought have devastated communities, sometimes more than once in a year. Many blame climate change, which to a certain extent is valid, but there are many factors contributing to the instability of weather patterns globally and the volatility of the mass human collective consciousness is a major culprit.

We have talked much about the effects of the human collective consciousness before, so we will not elaborate, rather describe how each of the elements respond to the vibrational patterns coming from Mother Earth. Every living species upon the Earth leaves its energetic footprint, and it is safe to say that the human footprint is the largest and most damaging. Even though many humans are thoughtful in their treatment of the planet, the overall damage done over the centuries to the planet’s resources, the environment itself and to fellow humans has left it’s energetic mark in the fabric of the Earth.

The elements respond to any kind of imbalance in the Earth’s energies with protective measures that are well intended but also quite reflexive in nature. The nature of the law of polarity means that a poverty of one kind will result in abundance of another, which can, in turn, create more imbalance. An example might be where drought can cause a mouse plague, or where flood can then cause a lack of drinkable, fresh water.

Nothing can be given without an exchange of energy, so if too much is taken from the Earth in the form of  resources then the result will be poverty the next season. However, if resources are replaced sustainably, the harvest will be the same or more in the next cycle. If the seasons can cycle without interference, the barrenness of the winter will be replace by abundance in the spring and summer. However, the more the seasons become out of kilter, the more extreme the conditions will become when they are least expected.

The way to address the imbalances of energies on the Earth is very complex, but any reactive response will only serve to cause more imbalance. While humans cannot be blamed for all extreme weather or environmental issue, it is fair to say that only humans are the best placed to correct the problems caused by unsustainable practices, pillaging and pollution of resources and the powerful negative energy emanating from the black matrix and the human collective consciousness. Added to all of that would be the anxiety and restlessness coming from the elemental world itself as it endlessly strives to maintain its equilibrium in the natural world.

No mean feat indeed.  I AM Lord Melchezedek.   VC

Rewriting Your Own Script

If it is true that the world is a stage and humans are the players, then what is the play and what is the script? Has humanity stuck to it, or have they lost their way and are now improvising their parts?In the midst of seeming chaos, anarchy and uproar, where does the individual ‘actor’ fit amongst a play whose stage is the Earth and whose cast are strangers? How can each individual regain control and play their part according to the script when so many are making a muck of it?!

Yes, every one of you, dear hearts, is an actor in this play called ‘Life’ and your script has been written within your soul. A copy resides within the Akashic Records, and it is also known amongst your soul family. When you were born, you came in with a certainty and knowing of the lessons you had chosen to learn and the difference you wanted to make.

Depending on the love and nurturing you either received or were denied, you stuck to the script and stayed aligned to your truth, or you strayed from the path through neglect, abuse, indoctrination or unresolved trauma. Whether life up to now has seemed within or entirely outside of your control, the only way to ensure that fulfilment and inner happiness is to achieve a depth of self-mastery. No matter how far down the path of life you are, you are in charge of the script and now is the time to review and make changes, even rewrite it if necessary. It is never too late, my loves, to clean up your act and deliver the best performance of your life!

Self-mastery does not mean that you must be good at everything or a specialist at anything. The term self-mastery simply means that you have taken control of your emotional trauma and mental anguish and become much more mindful of how you think, act and respond to the triggers that have led you to feel helpless, angry, insecure or lonely. It involves taking responsibility for how other people make you feel, because the way you react or respond is entirely due to the way you view yourself, your worth, whether you like and respect yourself and your perspective on how others in the world see and treat you. Once you can pinpoint the patterns of thoughts and behaviour that uncover your trauma and insecurities, fallacies and illusions will begin to fally away and you can begin the process of making positive changes to your life.

Facing your truth and being honest with yourself may be harder than you realise, but hiding behind a curtain of lies is never going to lead you to a starring role in your own play! It is time to take off the makeup and costumes, leave the stage for a while and study the script that is leading you to heartache, loneliness, financial ruin and untold grief. Are you being true to yourself? When the audience is gone, the only person you need to please and like is yourself.

Now is the time, dear ones, to become your own self-master, reveal your true identity to yourself and embrace the person you have always been underneath the costumes, makeup and façade. Only you can change your life and there has never been a better time to do it than now!

WE ARE Archangel Michael and the one you know as Jesus.

Collapse and Rebirth

There is a matrix around the Earth, below the Ascended Crystalline Grid, that is now imploding upon itself. As the domination of men is continuously challenged and under scrutiny, humankind grows ever weary of the violence, war, corruption and crimes against humanity that are forcing many humans to exit the planet. There is no end to the misery for many, while the world waits for news of the next war, the next catastrophe and the next pandemic.

Think, for a moment, of the fleeting nature of life and consider, if you will , about the permanent nature of death. Or is it? Death is a transition from the physical form to the etheric, and the freedom that having no human body brings is unimaginable. Loved ones left behind grieve, but the soul flying free rejoices that their time on Earth is over so the real work can begin.

Even so, what is occurring on Earth is both caused by and causing major energetic shifts in the consciousness of man, and the consequences upon the dark souls who control the matrix of power around the world is clearly evident. While the turmoil grows more intense and disturbing for those watching it unfold on their television screens, the reality for those caught up in any of the multiple conflict, health crisis and disasters is like a never-ending nightmare they cannot wake from.

Dear Hearts, the state of the Earth is one of constant flux due to the escalating attempts of the dark to overtake the light. If humans allow themselves to submit to the fear and acts of oppression, they will lose sight of the light that is ever present and there as a way forward. Light always overcomes dark, and as the matrix pulls tighter, attempting to gain or regain control, the space left for the light grows ever wider.

What can you do? Pray, meditate and love – yourself, your loved ones, friends and those that you cannot abide. Send love to your friends but moreso to your enemies, for they need it the most as they embark on the journey of repaying the karma they have created and of learning the lessons they have ignored. The more love in the world, the more light, which then shows the way to those who have previously been lost. See the good in the world and focus on building upon it. It does not mean that you ignore what is happening, but how can you assist through service rather than emotion that only leads you down the spiralling path of despair and loss of hope. Where there is life there is love, hope and the human spirit, which is actually born from the light of Source and therefore never lost and never alone.

The Flower of Life (FOL) is a symbol steeped in mythology but relevant to the modern and current world. Its symmetry is sacred and healing in nature and can be used by the healer and lightworker in conjunction with the codes and rays of Creation to extinguish darkness and activate the light. The Flower of Life in its simplicity, that is, one flower on its own, is enough to activate powerful light codes that connect each person to their Christed-self through repeated symbols of infinity. The three intersecting infinity symbols within each flower represent the sacred triad, or each person’s etheric replica and is therefore a crucial tool in helping each person to cleanse and reharmonise soul fragments to bring the person back into alignment with their I AM Presence. If one considers that the rays held within the sacred triad are those of diamond, silver and gold, the power of the symbol will become clear. Each flower is situated in a circle, which represents infinity as well as the never-ending Circle of Life that is cyclic and symbiotic in nature.

 If one examines the diagram closely, the entire picture represents the Omniverse. The 12 circles represent the 12 universes within. They are all interlocking, which represents Oneness. 12 is the number of Creation and thus of every person’s own divinity. It contains the 12 rays of light which make up the white light of the Source of Creation. When one consciously connects to this light, their spiritual journey will become a way of life and a crucial part of the ascension of Earth.

The magic of life and of Creation itself is held within every petal and intersection of the lines within the symbol of the Flower of Life. It is the first symbol of Ascension, activating light codes within each chakra that open the person to higher levels of consciousness. The frequency of the codes are dependent upon the person’s current level of consciousness, as well as their ability to hold the vibrations in their energy fields without succumbing to the lower energies of 3D Earth. Without mindful intent, raised vibrations can plummet very quickly when a person allows the negativity of other people’s realities to permeate their consciousness. Along with the Violet Flame of Transmutation, using the Flower of Life as a tool of Ascension is one of the most powerful things one can do to help bring Earth out of transition and fully into the Age of Aquarius.

The symbol of the Flower of Life is now available to every Lightworker, awakening and emerging soul who is intentionally sending love and healing to the Earth, the Human Collective Consciousness and the Golden Crystalline Grid. All you need to do is to focus your attention on it and intend that it multiplies its form and strengthens its energy wherever there is love and light being projected from people all around the world. The power of this one intention can never be underestimated. Please make it a daily practise.

I AM Lord Melchizedek.

The Prism of Life

The Prism of Life

Consider a beautiful flame emitting the palest of a rainbow prism above it. Gentle but powerful, this prism of light maintains its centre and never wavers, until a gust of wind blows the flame out and it is gone.

The fragility of life can be explained in this way, that with one act that cannot be undone, the light within can go out. Whether it is final, as in death, or life changing in a way that the will to live is extinguished, the choices made by either self or others can result in the life all people related to the person being changed for ever.

Life is sacred and is a gift from Creation. However, the gift of free will is also sacred and cannot be transgressed upon without invoking another chain of events involving karmic law and the changing of destiny. One’s own soul’s path cannot be known by another and is therefore to be respected, even though it may involve lessons and karma that could take lifetimes to learn and repay. It is not for anyone to make decisions for another without that person’s knowledge or permission.

A life lives in love with family and friends is a life welllived, whether it has been a long one or cut short. The pain of loss felt by those left behind is always testament to the person lost to them: the way they lived their truth, the love they gave away freely and the way they treated others.

If your light burns dimly, or you are finding it difficult to find the light within, you must consider what the lessons are for you at this time and where you have perhaps strayed from your truth or lost connection to the Creator, the Source of Creation and unconditional love. There is no way forward unless you can find the connection that fills your heart with warmth and light and you can see the bigger picture of what is happening. If it is difficult for you, it may be wise to seek counsel with someone who can help you to regain trust in yourself and your connection to the Light.

The rainbow prism of light contains all of the 12 aspects and virtues of our Mother/Father God, the Creator of All That Is and is a reflection of the strength of your connection to your purpose and your higher consciousness. The more vibrant it is, the stronger your light will be and you will find yourself much more able to share your love and light with others.

Try this short meditation to help you to find your connection to the light within:

Close your eyes and take three long, slow breaths in and out, relaxing your shoulders with each one. Be aware of your feet on the floor and yourself in the chair, hearing the sounds around you. On the next breath in, send it as a beam of light through your body , down through your feet and ground your energy into Mother Earth. Hold the energy there for the next three or four breaths, then bring it back up through your feet and body until there is a ball of light rotating above your crown.

Ask now for Archangel Metatron to be with you, to help you to regain your connection to your own light and to the rainbow prism of light. See now, in your mind’s eye, or feel or imagine a beautiful rainbow column of light connecting through your crown to every chakra in your body and above it. It sparkles with a spectrum of colour like you have never seen. See, feel or imagine, at the same time, the Violet Flame of Transmutation flooding your body, transmuting all of the negativity, toxic thoughts and emotions, anxieties and fear to love, sparking off as golden light and leaving you feeling lighter and freer. In your heartspace, now,  a pink lotus flower is blooming. Golden light is now flowing from it, filling you with the greatest sense of warmth, love and peace.

Continue breathing slowly in and out as Metatron cleanses, balances, aligns and activates your chakras to a higher frequency of light, while cleansing your aura and grounding love into all of your energy fields. He will then place a gift into your hands, which you must place into your sacral chakra, which is below your belly button. Hold your hands there as the gift ignites your sacred fire and fills you with purpose, clarity and an overall sense of wellbeing.

When all sensations have finished, give thanks to Archangel Metatron, open your eyes and write the thoughts that come freely into your mind. This is your message to find your way forward.

I AM Lord Melchizedek.

The Power of the Mind

Imagine a golden door that is half open. A shaft of light emits from the doorway while the rest is shrouded in darkness. The light holds great promise of a better life, one that will lead you to greater abundance and happiness. As you enter the door, the light becomes so bright that it is blinding. You cannot see what is in front of you, but you push forward, believing that it is the best way forward. As your eyes adjust to the light, a beautiful garden appears. It is filled with every flower, tree and shrub imaginable and its beauty is hypnotic. But you are not allowed in so as to preserve its perfection. The light is too bright, the people on this side do not talk to you and the life you thought would be better is entirely foreign to you. You feel as unhappy as before! Despondently, you take yourself back to the door to resume the life that you had but did not appreciate. What if the door is closed and you cannot get back? The life you thought was not good enough is suddenly warm and comforting to you. What will you do?

This is a scenario close to “The grass is always greener on the other side” story, but not quite. While there may seem to be better options available to you, your life may indeed be very unhappy and financially difficult. It is no wonder that you would take the golden door if offered it! However, do you need to? What if you could change your life for the better on your own, just by taking charge of your thoughts and your perceptions?

Your world will not change if you do not change your perception of your place within it, what you deserve and the responsibility you hold in terms of the power of your thoughts and words. Changing homes, schools, states or countries of residences will not solve any problems if you have not taken stock of why life may be difficult for you! Why are people not talking to you? Why are you unhappy? Why is life seemingly hard for you while it is easy for others? Listen to your words and reflect on what you are putting out to the Universe every day and then you may be able to see the answers.

What you do and say says everything about how you feel about yourself and how much responsibility you take, or lay on others, for the situations you find yourself in. Are you open to seeing that your behaviour affects and is reflected in the responses of people you interact with? Can you see that you are either attracting or repelling the abundance of the Universe with every positive or negative thought, word and deed? YOU are the creator of YOUR world and only YOU can change it!

In the same vein, you cannot help anyone who does not wish to be helped. Nor should you lose yourself in the woes of the world, as doing so will only add to them. All you can do, which will make the most difference, is to be the best person you can be.

The first powerful thing to do is to let go of the past and embrace the future. Live in the moment and be thankful for your life. See life as a blessing and a gift and filter out anything that is not of importance to you or your loved ones. So, every day, write and say three affirmations that brings your consciousness to the present and on positive goals for the future.

The next thing to do is to be specific and clear on what it is you wish to change, release or manifest in your life. State it all clearly and concisely to the Universe, then let go of the all attachment to it.

Thirdly, make a plan. What actions do you need to take to make your wishes into reality. Take charge and put them into practice without hesitation or doubt.

Lastly, look at your belief system and work to release and change old negative thought patterns and feelings that have kept you stuck for so long. Focus on love and see as much good as you can in all things. Believe in the power of your mind and its connection to the Universal mind to create all that you need and want in your life.

One mind is connected to all minds which are connected to God’s mind.

We are One.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Keeping the Pendulum Swing Steady

The pendulum swings one way and comes back in just the same manner. Without interference, it comes back at the same speed and time as it left, slowing down at a continuous rate and stopping when it has completely lost momentum. A pendulum will move according to the energy emitted or that is simply present, so the movement will be a response, either to a question, a thought or to energetic frequency.

The fact that a pendulum will swing in response to a thought is food for thought indeed, and is testament to the fact that every thought creates form and is therefore an energy to be reckoned with, should the thoughts be intentionally harmful. A person wishing harm on someone will emit and send the energy that can be tracked by a pendulum or divining rod through its lower frequency. The movement would be different to thought frequencies that are higher and intentionally good. It is vitally important, then, for human’s protect their aura, bodies and energies so they are more able to withstand interference from the outside world, particularly if they are sensitive and empathic.

The Human Collective Consciousness has been spoken of before, and it is important in this context to speak of it again as a reminder that every individual on the planet is constantly contributing to and impacted by it. The level to which each human is connected through their consciousness and energy fields is above what one may expect; think back to a time when a loved-one’s black mood ruined your night or when a person’s positivity rubbed off on you and you will understand what I mean. The Human Collective Consciousness is a mish mash of every mood, every thought and every conversation had by every human, causing it to be incredibly complex and dense in its nature. It is ever changing and moving, causing disturbances in people’s moods and energy fields suddenly and often without warning.

Even though the energies on Earth are constantly in flux, as well as being manipulated by many who wish to be all powerful and dominating, everything residing or existing on the planet, as in the whole universe, is governed by Spiritual Law which never changes. All laws work separately but are instantly activated through reactions and interactions. Humans are operating within the Laws of the Universe even though they most likely are unaware of this fact.

There are too many laws to discuss here, with many being complex and inter-relate, however, if you keep in mind that for every action there is an equal reaction that will come back to you in the same energy as you created it, then you have a good starting point for knowing what you must change. Every thought, belief system, word and action creates in the exact energy in which it was made, meaning that, if you are in a negative cycle causing things such as financial hardship, relationship issues, poverty or conflict at work then you must look at yourself and the energy you are emitting. When you change your energy, you immediately change the vibrational frequency that goes out to the world, also changing the frequency of behaviour and level of consciousness that is returned to you. Simple speaking, like attracts like. You cannot control the behaviour of others or the bad things that are happening globally, but you can control your own thoughts and behaviours so as to attract more favourable outcomes in your life.

If there were any tool I could recommend to you to help you to maintain composure and to attain a higher level of consciousness within a world that seems so dark and bleak it would be the Violet Flame of Transmutation. The Violet Flame is of the Seventh Ray, which is the overlighting ray of the Age of Aquarius and is radiated by Archangel Zadkiel and his Archeia Holy Amethyst. As the name suggests, the amethyst crystal is associated with the Violet Flame and is used by crystal healers to absorb and transmute negative energies in the home and in personal or sacred spaces. The colour violet is that of the crown chakra and the seventh ray and is therefore the highest healing colour in the spectrum. When used consciously by humans to transmute toxic feelings of hatred, anger, resentment, jealousy, depression and spite, the positive effects on personal relationships, on negative workspaces and on collective or group consciousness are noticeable and far-reaching.

As the attempts of those who wish to rule the masses with fear, terror and violence drastically increases, the daily use by lightworkers and the spiritually aware to transmute their own negative energies as well as that in the collective consciousness is critical to the ongoing ascension of the planet. Archangel Zadkiel/Holy Amethyst, Saint Germain and any of the Masters of Light can be called upon at any time to assist you to call up the Violet Flame whenever the need arises. I urge you to be proactive in this cause.

I Am Lord Melchizedek

Why so many people are leaving the planet.

In 2023, many people are coming to the crossroads in their soul contracts. Life on Earth has become very difficult for many and there has been an unprecendented number of people passing into the light in recent times. Why is this happening?

There are many reasons why so many people are dying.

For some, it is simply time. Their bodies are old and their time on Earth has come to an end. Others have become so disillusioned that they have taken their own lives, unable to see a way forward out of the darkness that surrounds them. There are many souls whose karmic contracts are being completed, or karma has been inflicted upon them, creating another cycle of incarnation. Or the dense vibrations upon Earth have created so much trauma that their essence has been corrupted and they have become too sick to continue. Higher souls are offered death doors every 5 years or so to allow them a choice as to whether they continue on their human path or leave to follow higher pursuits in the afterlife.

It has been a particularly challenging period for many, a lot of whom have chosen to leave on their own terms, leaving their families in shock and grief. Our love shines down on everyone who is mourning loved ones.Whatever the reason, death is always a choice and is a right that must be respected, even though it leaves many people grieving in its wake.

There are many levels to the spirit world, and those who take their own life will find themselves in the same holding pattern they were in when alive. This is to be expected, as one cannot suddenly become positive in spirit if the soul was weighed down by earthly concerns. It is not an easy choice to make, neither is it an easy way out. However, there is no judgement from the Creator and help is always available when the soul asks for it.

Many who have exited life earlier than their soul had chosen are masters whose work has been completed. If the work is done, there is no time to be wasted in a human body when much more can be achieved from the etheric planes where only love exists. In these cases, the soul family calls us home to continue the journey towards mastery and enlightenment.

Masters may choose to reincarnate again, but many will not. They will continue to work with their soul family, who may not necessarily have been their human family, to bring the Earth to ascension. The more souls who step into their mastery the better, because masters observe rather than participate; they guide rather than invest and they lead by shining example, sometimes sacrificing their energy for the greater good. In the energy of Source, sacrifice is not required at all leading the soul to require greater healing upon etheric return.

As the energy on Earth becomes denser, more hostile. turbulent and challenging, many more people will find themselves at a crossroad where choices may seem limited or even no longer existent. We urge all humans to connect to their soul-song and to see advice from their higher self and guides.

Terrible tragedies leave scars on the imprint of the soul that could be carried on into the next incarnation. This can happen both to victims and ones left behind. Trauma is extremely hard to lift, more so when the story is embedded with violence, abandonment and grief. If you are finding life unbearable, seek help. Spiritual, meditative practices have never been more important right now as the human race becomes more agitated and under pressure from all angles. Speak up and remember that you are never alone. Ask for help for your highest and best and we will send help in the best form. Life is meant to be a gift, not a curse. Do not allow the weight of your trauma to blind you to the possibilities for a resolution.

However you can, work to finding peace within, Dear Hearts. It’s the only way to prevent your inner and outer world from imploding.

WE ARE ever with you.

The masters of the Cosmic Council.