Rewriting Your Own Script

If it is true that the world is a stage and humans are the players, then what is the play and what is the script? Has humanity stuck to it, or have they lost their way and are now improvising their parts?In the midst of seeming chaos, anarchy and uproar, where does the individual ‘actor’ fit amongst a play whose stage is the Earth and whose cast are strangers? How can each individual regain control and play their part according to the script when so many are making a muck of it?!

Yes, every one of you, dear hearts, is an actor in this play called ‘Life’ and your script has been written within your soul. A copy resides within the Akashic Records, and it is also known amongst your soul family. When you were born, you came in with a certainty and knowing of the lessons you had chosen to learn and the difference you wanted to make.

Depending on the love and nurturing you either received or were denied, you stuck to the script and stayed aligned to your truth, or you strayed from the path through neglect, abuse, indoctrination or unresolved trauma. Whether life up to now has seemed within or entirely outside of your control, the only way to ensure that fulfilment and inner happiness is to achieve a depth of self-mastery. No matter how far down the path of life you are, you are in charge of the script and now is the time to review and make changes, even rewrite it if necessary. It is never too late, my loves, to clean up your act and deliver the best performance of your life!

Self-mastery does not mean that you must be good at everything or a specialist at anything. The term self-mastery simply means that you have taken control of your emotional trauma and mental anguish and become much more mindful of how you think, act and respond to the triggers that have led you to feel helpless, angry, insecure or lonely. It involves taking responsibility for how other people make you feel, because the way you react or respond is entirely due to the way you view yourself, your worth, whether you like and respect yourself and your perspective on how others in the world see and treat you. Once you can pinpoint the patterns of thoughts and behaviour that uncover your trauma and insecurities, fallacies and illusions will begin to fally away and you can begin the process of making positive changes to your life.

Facing your truth and being honest with yourself may be harder than you realise, but hiding behind a curtain of lies is never going to lead you to a starring role in your own play! It is time to take off the makeup and costumes, leave the stage for a while and study the script that is leading you to heartache, loneliness, financial ruin and untold grief. Are you being true to yourself? When the audience is gone, the only person you need to please and like is yourself.

Now is the time, dear ones, to become your own self-master, reveal your true identity to yourself and embrace the person you have always been underneath the costumes, makeup and façade. Only you can change your life and there has never been a better time to do it than now!

WE ARE Archangel Michael and the one you know as Jesus.

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