The Empowerment is Yours

As 2022 came to an end, there were many who were not in the least bit sad to see it go. However, can we expect to see a calmer and happier 2023? As the Ascension process continues to accelerate and people become more aware of their spiritual connections beyond religion, the resulting energies will be anything but calm! However, with mindful planning and intention, awakened souls can stay above the storm and help others to do the same.

Energy readers will be seeing a nebula-like energy enveloping the western world at present. As alarming as it looks, the masters of light beseech you to stay centred, grounded and connected to your higher self and the Creator’s loving light. There are several causes of this explosion of energy, but the overarching cause is the clash between light and dark, truth and lies, belief and illusion. As war and the pandemic continue, the watching world grows restless and suspicious. There is no room now for fear, because that only feeds the darkness. What is needed now is watchfulness, clarity of thought and an ability to ‘read between the lines’ as the veil of illusion becomes the thinnest it has ever been.

To live is to love, experience and to create, which is the birthright of every single human on Earth. Yet, around the western world at this time there has been a tightening of restrictions on the rights of many sectors of humanity, women in particular, as men seek to maintain dominance and control over all things. Why stop women working, studying and participating in the world in a meaningful way?  Why stop them from enjoying sex and forcing them to have children that have been conceived through abuse and coercive control? It has always been a man’s world, but yet, in the 23rd year of the 21st century, the rights of women in all societies are the most threatened they have ever been. Why?

Beyond the womb, a baby grows attached to its mother. As she nurtures him/her with her breast and loving words, the child grows and thrives. When there is also a loving masculine energy, the child grows up feeling safe, secure and willing to take risks within healthy boundaries.  To keep women as nothing more than breeding vessels is to take away their power, voice and sense of self. In this quest, the dark forces are attempting to breed an army to control the world and the galaxy beyond. A world full of aggressive men is a fearful thought, yet their attempts to suppress women and other groups will go in vain, because the consciousness of the collective has risen and awoken.

Do not be deceived by the propaganda on the media and the fake news that has been circulating for many years. One can no longer live in the physical world without staying connected to the light, because to do so will cause much disequilibrium, distress and mayhem. There is so much misleading information out there now that truth is well hidden amongst the lies, which are woven into the black matrix more complexly than any spider’s web. If one tried to unravel it or to understand what is happening one would only end up more confused than ever. Let us just say that nothing is as it seems, and things that shouldn’t be are the beginning of the end for the masters of the darkness.

It is time now for awakened souls to take control of their mastery and to manifest the light into every corner of their lives. In doing so, the ripple effect will be great and the light will outshine the darkness. The mind is a powerful tool and the intention behind each thought is the key to the success of its impact.

We, the masters of light, now beseech you, in the energy of the Creator’s unconditional love, to envisage the world in your minds’ eye and envelop it in purple/violet light. Intend that, as the light cleanses toxic emotions and negative thought forms, all innocent people receive love and healing, protection and empowerment then, as the light fades, see the world surrounded in the most beautiful golden grid. As the light intensifies, call in the angelic realm and masters of light to activate the codes of ascension to be accessed by all willing awakened souls in the highest and best way and for their own highest and best. Also give permission for yourself to receive this activation and hold the energy until you feel it is done.

The empowerment is yours. We are ever with you.

WE ARE The Master of the Cosmic Council

Victoria Cochrane

4 thoughts on “The Empowerment is Yours

  1. Dear Virginia,
    Thank you for another wonderful, loving message.
    I just want you to know that the messages that you sent all through the COVID years kept me sane and grounded and it also did the same for a friend whom I sent them to.
    The lies and manipulation by the dark forces that you talk about is not over yet but knowing that God and the Archangels are on my side is incredibly comforting.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

    Best wishes,
    Carolyn McNeil

    Sent from my iPad


      1. Hi Victoria,
        I profusely apologise, I do try to get people’s names right. I’m hoping that the computer just changed it (as it sometimes does) and I didn’t check it!
        Thank you so much for your message and Blessings to you too.


        Sent from my iPad


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